Darwin McClary | Village Manager | mcclaryd@lakeorion.org | 248-693-8391 ext. 101 |
Todd Stanfield | Acting Chief of Police | stanfieldt@lakeorionpolice.org | 248-693-8321 ext. 151 |
Susan Galeczka | Village Clerk | galeczkas@lakeorion.org | 248-693-8391 ext. 102 |
Sonja Stout | Finance Director/Treasurer | stouts@lakeorion.org | 248-693-8391 ext. 103 |
Andrea Eastman | Utility Billing Coordinator | eastmana@lakeorion.org | 248-693-8391 ext. 100 |
Cherie Hedrick | Deputy Finance Director | hendrickc@lakeorion.org | 248-693-8391 ext. 100 |
Wes Sanchez | Public Works Director | wsanchez@lakeorion.org | 248-693-8391 ext. 106 |
Corrine Hall | Account Clerk | hallc@lakeorion.org | 248-693-8391 ext. 104 |
Gage Belko | Planning and Zoning Coordinator | zoning@lakeorion.org | 248-693-8391 ext. 107 |
Barbara Rice | Office Assistant | riceb@lakeorion.org | 248-693-8391 ext. 105 |
Molly LaLone | DDA Executive Director | director@downtownlakeorion.org | 248-693-9742 |
General Questions | villageadmin@lakeorion.us | 248-693-8391 ext. 100 |